Sunday, March 25, 2007

Driving in Melbourne

We arrived in Melbourne & got our rental car from the airport. We are staying with a friend in Geelong for a few days. The drive to Geelong takes about 1hr from the airport. The highway/freeway signs are pretty clear, just follow the signs to Geelong(most likely via the Princes Freeway). Speed limits are 100km/h but almost everyone goes slightly faster than that. Becareful if you decide to go above the limit as you never know where there might be a camera/device to record if you're speeding.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mt Wellington

Overshadowing the city of Hobart is the towering Mt Wellington. It's an easy 20min drive from the city all the way up to the summit. The roads are a bit winding but manageable. This time, we could drive all the way to the summit because we were told that if it snows, the roads will be closed 3/4 way up the summit. It's very windy up there so remember to pack a jacket. There's an observation deck with information of places as look out to the horizon. There are many trails that lead to the top of Mt Wellington but these are all for seasoned hikers and trekkers.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Horseshoe Falls

Unique in every way.

Russell Falls

Wall-to-wall waterfall. That's amazing!

Waterfalls at the East of Tasmania

Tasmania is famous for its many beautiful waterfalls. On the eastern part of Tasmania alone, there were so many to choose from. We drove around to several of these waterfalls and were amazed at their beauty. We went to St. Columba Falls, Ralphs Falls, O'Gradys Falls, Russell Falls and Horseshoe Falls. In my opinion, Russell and Horseshoe Falls are a must see. You would be amazed at the sheer size of Russell Falls and marvel at the uniqueness of Horseshoe Falls. You'll need to walk quite a fair bit on trails to reach the waterfalls but the walk is worth it. Most trails are well-marked and even stroller-friendly. There are so many more waterfalls that we couldn't see because of time constraints.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Hiking to Wineglass Bay lookout

We decided to go to the Wineglass Bay lookout today. It's located inside Freycinet National Park and there is an entry fee for it, something like a day pass. Anyway, there's a car park at the start of the trail and signboards for the various trails from that point. The trail to the lookout is supposed to take approximately 1hr return, but do give yourself more time to walk/hike at a leisurely pace and enjoy the scenery. We reached the lookout in about 45mins. There's a small platform there to view the Bay but you can get similar views from around the platform area. The track back always feels faster than going! As it can be quite hot during the hike, always be prepared with water, hat and sunscreen for everyone.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Fruit picking in Sorell

Fruit-picking is one activity that most kids will like. We found one on the way back to Hobart and its called Sorell Fruit Farm. It's just off the Sorell Town Centre and when we were there, the apples were in season. We paid for a bucket & we could pick/eat as much as we want. The apples were good quality & delicious. Our daughter loved it! There are other fruits like strawberries, peaches, berries and other fruits. What fruit available will depend on when you go there. There is also a small cafe that serves awesome smoothies made from the fruit at the farm itself as well as items like jams, juices, liqueurs and souveniers. We really enjoyed our time there.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Driving around Tasmania

We arrived in Hobart and went to the car rental company. The car we booked for turned out to be too small to fit all our luggage so we upgraded to a bigger car. It turned out to be a good choice to upgrade as the drive around Tasmania is much longer than we thought. Eryn was strapped into her car seat which looks comfortable for her. The drive to our accomodation was about 2hrs from Hobart.