Thursday, December 8, 2005

Visiting friends in Melbourne

I had to go to Melbourne for work so I thought it would be a good opportunity for us to bring our daughter along to visit some friends in Melbourne. It was only her 2nd flight & this time it was an overnight flight. However, at 1 month-old, they are still sleeping pretty much, only waking to feed every 4 hrs. We bundled her up nicely for the cabin and she slept in her bassinet on the plane. It was quite ok throughout the flight. Again as we started the descent, we were prepared for her to feed if the air pressure annoys her & she starts crying. We used the Baby Bjorn front baby carrier for this trip and it proved to be very useful. We could do our thing with her snuggled & sleeping in front of us. The return flight was also uneventful. I think this could be the best time to travel with babies if they are healthy. All they do is eat and sleep and their patterns are pretty predictable.

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